Sister Woodfield

Sister Woodfield

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week Two in the Field!!!! : D

Hello! I have officially been here for two weeks now! What a beautiful place to be! The area that I am in is so peaceful. There are mountains far off in the distance and a lot of corn fields...awesome. :) The people are wonderful too! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! The ward is absolutely amazing! We get fed dinner EVERY night! What wonderful people! We also have some relief society sisters that come on splits with us every Wednesday and sometimes we have some come on tag-alongs on Thursdays. Basically there are amazing people that we get to work with who love the Lord and are doing great! Something else though, as missionaries people talk to us a lot about the hard things they are going through. We represent the Lord Jesus Christ and I am so happy to help people out in any way possible. It has just really opened my eyes even more to how everyone is going through something. A lot of people are hurting in different ways and I am so grateful for this opportunity to do what I can to help with that!

Where to begin?!? So much happens as a missionary! Well this week went a lot better then last week! I have a better feel for what is going on and understand a lot more. Something cool about my companion, Sister Christensen, - frogs love her! Haha, we sleep in the basement and there is a windowsill right next to her bed. EVERY night some frog manages to fall down there and make a bunch of noise. And every night Sister Christensen opens the window, catches the frog, shows me (haha, she said one night she might put it on me!!!), and releases it back into the wild. It is a nightly tradition. :)

Anyways, things are great! There is a family (Bates) who have been investigating the church for about 6 years now. The dad stopped chewing tobacco about a month ago so that he could be baptized. MIRACLE. He was baptized this past Friday. It was amazing! The wife is still finding out for herself what is true. Their 12 year old daughter has told us that she wants to be baptized! We are teaching her the lessons right now. She is amazing! She reads The Book of Mormon and takes notes! She said that her problem is that she doesn't want to stop reading. :) They are an amazing family.

OKAY BEFORE I GO ANY FURTHER I NEED TO TALK ABOUT MY AMAZING DAY LAST TUESDAY. Soooooooo, the Sister Training Leader (Hermana Smith) goes on exchanges for a day with everyone in our zone. Tuesday was my day. :) She is amazing and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with her and learn SO MUCH from her. So, Tuesday morning Hermana Smith and I were in the backyard doing language study and cute Sister Vandenburghe (who we live with) came out and told us she heard our phone going off downstairs. We showed her our phone next to us and said it must have been another phone. She left and came back a few minutes later. She told us she needed to show us something downstairs. I got worried thinking something must have been wrong with our room. We followed her downstairs and I saw a trail of kit kats....what?!?!?!?!?! Austin Lush and his dear family surprised me!! His aunt who lives in Colorado drove up (and with permission from my mission president) and kit-kat-attacked me! Hahaha, there was sooooo many kitkats there and she was there videotaping my reaction. :) The whole thing was a total blessing. I got to chat with her for a few minutes and I definitely felt the love from my dear family and friends who helped with this awesome surprise. :) And from Sister Vandanburghe who was sneakily trying to get us downstairs. :)

SO, amazing thing happened that night! Hermana Smith and I had some time before dinner so we decided to knock on some doors. Hermana Smith is also called to be Spanish speaking and I told her it would be so great if we were able to talk to someone in Spanish. THE SECOND DOOR we knock on is a lady who understands some English but speaks Spanish! We were talking to her in English and she finally said "I am learning English pero..." Hermana Smith and I got so excited! "Nosotros hablamos en espanol!" She let us come in and we taught the first lesson about the restoration of the gospel! We taught it in Spanglish! IT WAS SO AWESOME! She was very attentive and nodded a lot. She said she would read The Book of Mormon (the next day we stopped by and gave her one in Spanish)! She said the closing prayer for us! AND she said that if she found out these things were true that she would be baptized!!!!!! The Lord has definitely prepared her! We have an appointment to meet with her tomorrow. I will definitely be relying on the Spirit because Sister Christensen isn't speaking Spanish and I am still working on my Spanish. The Lord will provide a way! This dear lady's name is Blanca. I love her already! We are hoping to also talk more with her husband and kids. SO huge miracle and blessing! :D

I love you all! SO MUCH! I am praying for you! Have a great week!!!!

My mailing address is:

5285 McWhinney Boulevard, Suite 100
Loveland, Colorado 80538-8707

Love you all!!!

Love, Hermana Lindsey Woodfield

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