Sister Woodfield

Sister Woodfield

Monday, November 10, 2014

Miracles continue . . . . .

Well the wonderful awesome miracle weeks continue!!!! :) This past week was awesome!!!! We have been able to find a lot of new investigators and increase our amount of lessons. It is one of the BEST feelings in the world to teach a PROGRESSING investigator. We have some GREAT ones right now. The members of the Britos family continue to be some of the best people I have ever met. They are just really humble and happy people. They are a very YOUNG family just trying to get right with God and put their lives on the right path. They always are just waiting for our visits with smiles and juice.

Some of the other incredible people are from the family that I mentioned last week. La familia Romero- Daniel, Fabiana, Leonela, Kimberly, and Leonela´s boyfriend Ricardo. The accepted a baptism date and are doing wonderfully! They all went to our ward´s talent show on Friday and to church on Sunday. Their comments fill me with such joy. Fabiana told us that she was really emotional (in a good way) during church. Daniel said that that the people in our church are different and it is surprising. He said that he is leaving the darkness and it feels great. He said that he thinks about the teachings and the church all day. He tried to describe his feelings but was at a loss for words. After struggling for a few seconds he just said in English, ´´happy´´. :) :) :) Fabiana said that Kimberly (6 years old) doesn't get along with the kids at school but does with the kids at church. It all is just so wonderful. :) They have been very prepared.

We have been able to see the Lord´s guiding hand in many ways. An example- the other day we were on our way to an appointment with an investigator named Milta. On the way there there was a woman sitting outside of her house. We started talking to her and soon she bursted out in tears and explained that her husband of 40 years passed away a month ago. We went in her house and had a great lesson. She told us that she just feels empty inside and nothing is taking away her sadness. She said that she just needs spiritual help. We have a return appointment for this week! Afterwards we went on our way super late for our visit with Milta. We knocked on the door only to have her tell us that she had accidentally slept in and had just woken up. Heavenly Father even took care of our tardiness and everything worked out with the timing with Milta. :) Sometimes Hermana Randall and I just smile and say, ´´Wow...He really does just know best.´´

I testify that that is true. I know that Heavenly Father knows best and that if we trust in Him we will never be led astray. He can make sooooo much more out of us- our talents, our time, our LIVES- then we EVER could by ourselves. I love Him!

Have a great week!!!!

Hermana Lindsey Woodfield

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